Sol to Colonia in 1h 38m 11s (new time record)

Описание к видео Sol to Colonia in 1h 38m 11s (new time record)

Here's my first record-breaking trip from Sol to Colonia in Elite Dangerous. To achieve this time, I wrote a custom route-plotter (based on the A* search algorithm) that computes an optimal route from EDSM star charts, taking into account jump range increases due to fuel consumption, and fast refueling opportunities from main sequence stars co-located with neutron stars. The result is a 76-hop path, which is about 27% shorter than those computed by non-optimal heuristic tools, and about 11% shorter than the best manually plotted routes.

Update: Using a refinement of the algorithm, I subsequently broke the 1.5hr barrier:    • Sol to Colonia in under 1.5hrs: secon...  


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