My Early And Premature Menopause || Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatment

Описание к видео My Early And Premature Menopause || Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatment

#myearlymenopuase #hormonereplacementtherapy #replacement

Hi Everyone, welcome to Blossom Women Living with POI (Premature Ovarian Insufficient)
Primary ovarian insufficiency — also called premature ovarian failure — occurs when the ovaries stop functioning normally before age 40. When this happens, your ovaries don't produce normal amounts of the hormone estrogen or release eggs regularly. This condition often leads to infertility.

After being diagnosed with POI I had to start on HRT straight away and in today's video. I'm sharing my experience on starting HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatment) and medications I took and currently taking.

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My Early Premature Menopause| Diagnosed At 19- Part 1
   • My Early And Premature Menopause || W...  
Introduction | POI Diagnosed & A Little Bit About
Me   • Introduction | POI Diagnosed & A Litt...  
Reaction To POI Diagnosis | My Early Premature Menopause part 2
   • My Early And Premature Menopause || R...  

My name is Anita, and I was diagnosed with POI/POF a decade ago among other stuff. I wanted to create this channel to share my own experience and to help others with the same conditions. The ultimate goal is to build a supportive community of women living with POI conditions. Channel content will consist of Healthy lifestyle, HRT, Exercise, Complications, Side Effects of meds, and many more. I will also talk about my Thyroid Disease (graves disease) which has Relapsed plenty of time.


Vision: To have support and adequate support for young women with POI.
1. To increase public awareness of POI
2.Providing advocacy for young women
3. Build a community of women supporting each other
4. Sharing resources to support young women
5. Advocate for research into POI in young women

So, subscribe turn on the notifications bell and join me through my journey so far.

The information contained here should not be used as a proxy for the advice of an appropriately qualified/licensed health care provider. The information provided here is based solely on personal experience.


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