Black Beauties 💕💕

Описание к видео Black Beauties 💕💕

Hello lovelies,

Well let me tell you I had a not so great weekend because I was unwell for most of it.

I’m better now but will be seeing my doctor tomorrow!

I didn’t even manage to make it to Mass yesterday, but I did join an online Mass. The second reading responded - St James said ‘faith without works is dead. I think that is pretty clear. We cannot say we love God and standby without showing that love in practice, in every little area of our lives. It’s truly not complicated. May God help us all to courageously do works that match our faith💕💕

Now these black beauties with A chalk are just so beautiful! The crispy exteriors and soft dusty powdery interiors are inexplicably satisfying!!! Mmmm 😋



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