4th video: Solar power in Sun and within to help overcome depression

Описание к видео 4th video: Solar power in Sun and within to help overcome depression

Title 4th video: Solar power in Sun and within to help overcome depression

This is Pulak Ranjan Shukla 's 4th video in his series to help those facing depression overcome it using modified tools derived from yogic techniques and spirituality that he has acquired during the last 44 years of his practice.
This video introduces the concept of
rajas, satwa and tamas to identify how tamsic state of consciousness allows for depression and how using solar power externally and within helps over negativity and tamas.
As also the introduction to Chakras, especially Manipur chakra
These videos have information which have helped some of those who came to Pulak for yogic and spiritual guidance, but is not to be considered a substitute to pyschology therapy and psychiatric healing.

1st video link    • Introduction: Yogic tools to help ove...  

2nd video link    • Full yogic breathing - 2nd in series ...  

3rd video link
   • 3rd video - modified yogic breathing ...  

For any questions please send it to Satsang Shuklacharya. link here
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