Homily for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B, 2024

Описание к видео Homily for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B, 2024

In this homily for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B, we explore the difference between the law of God and the traditions of the ancients.

Reflecting on a story shared by the late Bishop Fulton Sheen, we dive into the heart of true religion, which is not about mere rituals, but about a genuine relationship with Christ.

The readings from Deuteronomy, James, and the Gospel of Mark challenge us to look beyond external observances and focus on the purity of our hearts and our love for others.

Are we following Christ in name only, or are we true disciples in our actions and in our love for God and neighbor? Join us in this reflection as we strive to live out the commandments with humility, love, and dedication to justice and mercy.

#SundayHomily #GospelReflection #CatholicFaith #FultonSheen #Christianity #TrueReligion #LoveAndService #Deuteronomy #GospelOfMark #JamesEpistle #FaithInAction #Discipleship #CatholicChurch #OrdinaryTime #YearB


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