Simply Science Episode 27: What Are Food Allergies?

Описание к видео Simply Science Episode 27: What Are Food Allergies?

Dr. Wayne Shreffler of the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital talks to Adam about food allergies. In humans, allergic reactions to food components can be deadly. In a manner similar to how the body attacks pathogens such as viruses or bacteria, the immune system can also recognize the proteins in various foods (e.g., milk, peanuts, shellfish) as a threat to the body. Consequently, an immune response can be activated, which generates specific antibodies to these food allergens, with an aim to quickly disarm and remove them from the body. Like an allergy to pollen or dust, the response can come on very fast and very strong. Various risk factors make a person more likely to develop food allergies, such as having parents who themselves are allergic to particular foods. With his team at the Food Allergy Center, Shreffler investigates possible treatments for specific food allergies. One promising treatment is oral immunotherapy, wherein patients are intentionally given the offending food allergen in minute but increasing amounts, to ultimately induce tolerance. Join Adam as he learns the causes of food allergies and one potential method for curing them. [05:20]


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