Lin Chufa - Aria from "En Chou Ji" 林初发 - 潮剧恩仇记

Описание к видео Lin Chufa - Aria from "En Chou Ji" 林初发 - 潮剧恩仇记

Chaozhou opera (or Chaoju) "En Chou Ji" (loosely translated, A Tale of Gratitude Vs Vengeance) is performed by the Guangdong Academy of Chaozhou Opera No. 1 Performing Troupe (广东潮剧院一团).
Lin Chufa (林初发) plays the role of a typical wen-sheng (文生), young male scholarly character. In this opera, he is a junior magistrate, faced with a conflicting situation which requires him to address the issues objectively and decide on the right course of action.
Lin is most adept at roles of righteous, honorable characters, but recent years have seen him successfully expanding the range of roles to include villains and men of dubious character, proving his versatility and certainly holding a lot of promise.


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