【 CH/EN SUB 突尼斯旅游攻略】苏塞KFC梦碎,柳暗花明又一村 Sousse's KFC dream shattered, Guess what we finally eat!

Описание к видео 【 CH/EN SUB 突尼斯旅游攻略】苏塞KFC梦碎,柳暗花明又一村 Sousse's KFC dream shattered, Guess what we finally eat!

- 斋月期间,很多餐厅前两周都是完全关门的,后两周会开始慢慢开门,但也并非是正常营业。
- 本次入住酒店为paris hotel,位于麦地那古城,性价比很高,推荐!
- 最后吃饭餐厅名: Il FORN, 地道突尼斯美食,推荐给大家!

非常开心在餐厅遇见Mouhamed, 感谢他分享给我们当天最后一盘骆驼肉:)并给我们介绍突尼斯地道美食。

Tunisia Self-Guided Travel Tips from this video:
- During Ramadan, many restaurants are completely closed for the first two weeks, and will slowly start to open for the second two weeks, but the opening time still varies.
- The hotel we stayed at Sousse was the Paris hotel, located in the old medina, very good value for money and highly recommended!
- Lastly, the restaurant: Il FORN, Authentic Tunisian food, highly recommended!

We were very happy to meet Mouhamed at the restaurant, thanks to him for sharing the last plate of camel meat with us :) and introducing us those authentic Tunisian food.




Hi everyone, I'm Max, living in France.
I'm here to share with you my traveling stories, and solo traveling tips.

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