Introduction to World State Graph Structure Analysis – Johannes C Mayer

Описание к видео Introduction to World State Graph Structure Analysis – Johannes C Mayer

Session presented during the Virtual AI Safety Unconference 2024

Speaker: Johannes C Mayer

Session Description: I am trying to understand intelligence. Understanding how to create accurate world models is core to intelligence. In this talk I want to walk through a concrete example of a toy world and how we can build a model of it.

I will describe the current formalism I use to model worlds, and how I use the models I get to reason about the structure of the environment. I will then describe how to detect and extract the specific structure of this specific toy world, and how to use this structure to efficiently predict and plan.

I'll then argue that the procedure I have outlined so far generalizes. Similar procedures exist for detecting different kinds of structures. I also argue that it should be possible in principle to completely automate the structure modeling process.


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