Recognizing the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment, and
Recognizing that violence and harassment in the world of work can constitute a human rights violation or abuse and that violence and harassment is a threat to equal opportunities, is unacceptable and incompatible with decent work, and
Recognizing the importance of a work culture based on mutual respect and dignity of the human being to prevent violence and harassment, and
Recalling that Members have an important responsibility to promote a general environment of zero tolerance to violence and harassment in order to facilitate the prevention of such behaviors and practices and that all actors in the world of work must refrain from, prevent and address violence and harassment, and
Acknowledging that violence and harassment in the world of work affects a person’s psychological, physical, and sexual health, dignity, and family and social environment, and
Recognizing that violence and harassment also affects the quality of public and private services, and may prevent persons, particularly women, from accessing, remaining, and advancing in the labor market, and
Noting that violence and harassment is incompatible with the promotion of sustainable enterprises and impacts negatively on the organization of work, workplace relations, worker engagement, enterprise reputation, and productivity, and
Acknowledging that gender-based violence and harassment disproportionately affects women and girls, and recognizing that an inclusive, integrated and gender-responsive approach, which tackles underlying causes and risk factors, including gender stereotypes, multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, and unequal gender-based power relations, is essential to ending violence and harassment in the world of work, and
Noting that domestic violence can affect employment, productivity and health and safety and that governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and labor market institutions can help, as part of other measures, to recognize, respond to and address the impacts of domestic violence,
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