Lewis Baltz | TateShots

Описание к видео Lewis Baltz | TateShots

Since the late 1960s, US photographer Lewis Baltz has been making images relating to the modern industrial and suburban landscape. He talked to TateShots.

US photographer Lewis Baltz came to prominence in the 1970s as a leading figure in the New Topographic movement. The movement sprang from a seminal exhibition, including work by Baltz, of American landscape photography. Baltz epitomised this new movement through his sparse landscapes, finding a minimalist beauty in the factories, low-slung offices and parking lots of post-industrialised America. These everyday American landscapes are strikingly close to the abstract and stark forms of the minimalist art of the same period, and in a new display at Tate Modern, Baltz's photographs are shown alongside two floor sculptures by sculptor Carl Andre. Baltz talks to TateShots about his lifelong focus on the overlooked and explores the relationship of photography to other forms of modern art.

Lewis Baltz's photographs are in the collection displays at Tate Modern



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