The Best Temperatures for Successful Brooding( Broiler Chickens)

Описание к видео The Best Temperatures for Successful Brooding( Broiler Chickens)

The best temperature for brooding and raising chickens with a 98% success rate and very low mortalities in 6 weeks; COBB 500 and ROSS 308. The chicken house should be heated to about 33 degrees Celsius on day 1 or for baby chicks. Afterwards, the meat chickens house temperature should be decreased slowly as described in the video until meat chickens are 40 to 42 days or 6 weeks old. Temperature have a huge impact on the performance of meat chickens from baby chicks to 5 and 6 weeks chickens. so, this video is for chicken farmers or those looking forward to start raising meat chickens.
Also, below is quick breakdown of the temperatures meat chickens need weekly. It is ok if the heat in your chicken house is within the described range. You don't have to hit the specified targeted temperatures, just stay within that range and your meat chickens will be alright.

*WEEK 1 (0 -7 Days)
-Start Temperature 33 °C, End of Week one 29.5 °C.
-Week one, 40 °C is High and 28 °C Low for meat chickens.
*WEEK 2 (8 - 14 Days)
-Start of week two 29.5 °C, End of week two 27.5 °C.
-Week two, 37 °C is High and 26 °C Low.
*WEEK 3 (15 - 21 Days)
-Start of week three 27.5 °C, End of week three 25.5 °C.
-Week three, 35 °C is High and 25 °C Low.
*WEEK 4 (22 - 27 Days)
-Start of week four 24 °C, End of week four 21 °C.
-Week four, 34 °C is High and 20 °C Low.
*WEEK 5 (28 - 34 Days)
-Start of week five 21 °C, End of week five 19 °C.
-Week five, 33 °C is High and 19 °C Low.
*WEEK 6 (35 - 42 Days)
-Start of week six 19.5 °C, End of week six 15.5 °C.
-Week six, 32 °C is High and 15 °C Low.


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