Square Melody Mix OPL3 (RECAPTURE)

Описание к видео Square Melody Mix OPL3 (RECAPTURE)

This video is a recapture using the lastest build of ADLMIDI along with my revamped custom bank that aims to take full advantage of pseudo 4op mode on certain instruments. The results are quite amazing compared to the original upload I posted a few years back.

In the original upload there are whats called cache misses which made the midi skip and seemed to struggle to play properly. This was because smartdrive was active and present in memory. I decided to disable smartdrive some time ago since i was starting to notice the difference on more complex midi files. There is also NO NOTE TEARING present so this is an even bigger plus for the melody being played.

This midi is called FFMIX.MID and can be found on vgmusic.com in the melody section. the Sequencer is unknown at this time. I've tried viewing the file in several different programs to see if there is a signature of any kind and there is none other then the quote from the uploader which states, "I'm really not sure who sequenced this MIDI. I got about 2 years ago with an old software bundle. It's about 15 minutes long, and consists of just about every song from Final Fantasy, with bits of other Square RPGs. Enjoy!" -LIGHTBUNNY


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