BR24live: On European Security and Sovereignty | MSC2023 | BR24

Описание к видео BR24live: On European Security and Sovereignty | MSC2023 | BR24

On the last day of the MSC, the focus is on Europe's future. Among others, SPD leader Klingbeil and Kiev's Mayor Klitschko will be seen on the podium at the Bayerischer Hof. #MSC2023

00:00:00 Start
00:04:52 Introduction by BR24
00:07:00 Start Panel Euroepan Security Architecture
00:08:42 Scene Setting by Josep Borell Fontelles
00:23:09 Start Discussion
01:41:22 BR24 Interview with Clemens Verenkotte, Correspondent
02:06:37 Introduction Next Panel BR24
02:06:52 Start Panel Towards European Strategic Sovereignty
03:37:18 Closing Remarks by MSC Chairman Christoph Heusgen

Copyright: picture alliance / dpa | Kay Nietfeld

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