The Kardashev Scale | Type 3 Civilization

Описание к видео The Kardashev Scale | Type 3 Civilization

Today we are going to talk about a type three civilization and some of its defining characteristics! This civilization was the last one on the original Kardashev scale because he believed that there should be a limit on how advanced civilization could get. So let’s see why Kardashev thought this civilization type is the limit and stopped his original scale here.

A Type 3 civilization is sometimes referred to as a galactic civilization. This is because it is capable of harnessing the energy of an entire galaxy. This type of civilization would span the entire galaxy, colonizing and controlling numerous star systems. It would be able to harness, store, and use the energy output of all the stars within its galaxy. This would put its energy consumption at around 10^36 watts or more depending on its population size and other such factors. Such a civilization would be able to move planets and stars from one solar system to another. It could even merge solar systems together, absorb supernovae, and even create new stars.

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