Ask Adam Savage: Tips for Setting Up a Workshop

Описание к видео Ask Adam Savage: Tips for Setting Up a Workshop

What items are essential in a workshop first-aid kit? When moving to a new shop, does Adam have a process for planning its organization ahead of time? What are some of Adam's time-saving tips for shop layout and tool accessibility? What, if anything, does Adam listen to while working off-camera? In this excerpt from his March 9, 2021 live stream, Adam answers questions from Tested members Joshua Ortega, Emma Gibbs, Jim Smith-Hughes and Adam Grim about shop infrastructure. Join this channel to support Tested and get access to perks, like asking Adam a question:
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Tested is:
Adam Savage   / donttrythis  
Norman Chan   / nchan  
Joey Fameli
Gunther Kirsch
Ryan Kiser   / ryan.kiser  
Jen Schachter
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Sean Charlesworth   / cworthdynamics  
Jeremy Williams   / jerware  
Kayte Sabicer   / kaytesabicer  
Bill Doran   / chinbeard  
Ariel Waldman    / arielwaldman  
Darrell Maloney    / brokennerd  
Kristen Lomasney   / krystynlo  

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Set design by Danica Johnson   / saysdanica  
Set build by Asa Hillis

Thanks for watching!

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