Imperial Bases and Strongholds

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Imperial Bases and Strongholds

Ravens peak
The Raven's Peak, also known as Tarkin's compound
his home planet Eriadu

The command tower was the main focus of the facility and
included a heavily fortified conference room located directly on top of the mountain peak,
the peak itself being used as the centerpiece of the conference table

Scarif Tower
citadel tower
Imperial Center of Military Research

Fortress Inquisitorius was a heavily armed underwater
stronghold concealed within the black seas on the shadowy moon Nur.
The stronghold served as the central seat of the Imperial Inquisitor Program

Narkina 5

Narkina 5 was a small water moon that orbited the gas giant Narkina.
The Galactic Empire maintained a prison complex there

Vader's castle

stronghold located on the volcanic world of Mustafar. Once the site of a Sith temple
The complex's location and design came as much from the dark side of the Force as it did Vader's personal

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