白腰鵲鴝的美妙歌聲 / White-rumped Shama's Wonderful Singing

Описание к видео 白腰鵲鴝的美妙歌聲 / White-rumped Shama's Wonderful Singing

20.04.18-白腰鵲鴝的美妙歌聲 / White-rumped Shama's Wonderful Singing-bfpmv-2270
白腰鵲鴝學名:Copsychus malabaricus,英文名:White-rumped Shama,俗名:長尾四喜,公鳥身長約21 – 28公分,母鳥約17 – 22公分,在台灣屬籠中逸鳥,白腰鵲鴝原產於印度到中國西南部、東南亞及馬來半島,白腰鵲鴝外表亮麗,且鳴唱聲優美、多變、並擅長模仿其他鳥類或動物的聲音,是一廣受歡迎的寵物鳥種。公鳥非常善於模仿他鳥叫聲,公鳥身上顏色比較鮮豔個性十分強勢,繁殖季過後公鳥都會把亞成鳥趕走,野外食性:蟋蟀,甲蟲,毛蟲,蜘蛛,蝨子等等,母鳥一巢約生4到5蛋淡綠色和紅褐色夾雜的蛋。 The white-rumped shama (Copsychus malabaricus) is a small passerine bird of the family Muscicapidae. Native to densely vegetated habitats in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, its popularity as a cage-bird and songster has led to it being introduced elsewhere.
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