The Don't You Forget About Me Tag!

Описание к видео The Don't You Forget About Me Tag!

This tag was created by ‪@BookwormAdventureGirl‬
and inspired by ‪@BookishTexan‬

I was tagged by ‪@JamesRuchala‬ and ‪@joshuacreboreads‬

The Don’t You Forget About Me tag has four prompts:

You decide how many books to share with each prompt.
1. Clean Slates: books you've read that you don't remember anything about.
2. Genie's Lamp: books you wish you could forget.
3. Forgotten Gems: book you think need more love.
4. Forget Me Nots: books you will always remember.

Books mentioned:
- The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
- Nervous System, by Lina Meruane
- Down to Earth ,by Monty Don
- Absalom, Absalom!, by William Faulkner
- The Imposter and Other Stories, by Silvina Ocampo
- Wildwood, by Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis
- The Táin Bó Cúailnge
- A Kiss Before Dying, by Ira Levin
- The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco
- The Stronghold, by Dino Buzzati

Thanks for watching!

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#tagfriday #booktube #reading #literature


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