저스티스 리그 JUSTICE LEAGUE 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)

Описание к видео 저스티스 리그 JUSTICE LEAGUE 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)

한반지: http://oneringtrailers.com?m=100661
저스티스 리그 예고편들: http://goo.gl/aWHE0p
2017 개봉작들: http://goo.gl/avMLrW

• 원제: Justice League
• 감독: Zack Snyder http://oneringtrailers.com?p=100131
• 북미 개봉일: 2017년 11월 17일
• 한국 개봉일: 2017년 11월 15일
• 음악:
1. The White Stripes - The Hardest Button to Button http://oneringtrailers.com?s=101412
2. Gary Clark Jr. - Come Together http://oneringtrailers.com?s=101525

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저스티스 리그 1차 공식 예고편 영문 스크립트
Justice League Official Trailer #1 English Transcript

We have to be ready.
You, me, the others.
There's an attack coming from far away.
Not coming, Bruce.
It's already here.
The others, where are they?
Arthur Curry, the Aquaman.
It's on him.
Organic and biomechatronic body parts.
He's a cyborg.
You should probably move.
Barry Allen.
Whoever you're looking for, it's not me.
You are the Batman?
They said the Age of Heroes would never come again.
It has to.
What are your superpowers again?
I'm rich.
My turn.
Shall we?
It's good to see you playing well with others again.
Dressed like a bat?
I dig it.
Maybe temporary.


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