सोरायसिस पेशेंट कोरोनावायरस से कैसे बचे

Описание к видео सोरायसिस पेशेंट कोरोनावायरस से कैसे बचे

In this video, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi will tell you how psoriaisis patient should prevent themselves from coronavirus.

We are available 24/7 for online consultations.

Address: B-92, Sushant Lok, Phase 1, Gurugram, Haryana, Near Millennium City Centre Metro Station- 122009

The main reason behind the spread of #psoriasis is colitis or irregular bowel movement.
Reasons for the spread of psoriasis are as follows-
1. Steroidal treatment- Steroids are suppressive in nature.
2. Diet- Spicy, salt, non-veg and alcohol should be eliminated from your diet.
3. Stress- Try to eliminate the stress factor and have a proper sleep.
4. Bowel movement- Toxins start accumulating in the body when you are constipated.


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