Bonsaify | Bringing Life to Twisty Juniper Lifelines!

Описание к видео Bonsaify | Bringing Life to Twisty Juniper Lifelines!

Eric critiques a 7-8 year old Juniper he's developed from a cutting, and discusses how to resolve potential problems with its lifeline. Creating deadwood simulates the way Junipers naturally grow in the wild. (Without lifelines, Juniper bonsai trunks would be round and not very interesting!)

00:00:58 How to determine which lifeline to prioritize based on the design plan for the tree.

00:01:08 Eric outlines the process he went through over the years to develop this tree to where it is today.

00:04:05 Midway through detailed lifeline work.

00:04:55 Eric shares the result of his work, providing a 360 degree close-up.

00:05:35 Analysis of conflicting lifelines.

00:06:20 Other work that can be done on the tree at this time.

Share your thoughts on this video in the comments below. Can you imagine this tree as a shohin bonsai in a few years? Thank you for watching; please subscribe to our channel and share this video with your bonsai community! If you're interested in learning more, check out Eric's ecourse, "Mastering Shohin Juniper Bonsai: From Cutting to Show Tree"


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