Java Connect to MySQL Database Step by Step

Описание к видео Java Connect to MySQL Database Step by Step

Learn to write Java code that connects to a MySQL database, inserts a row to a table and get all rows from that table.

Here's what you will learn in this video:
- Create a database in MySQL server using MySQL Command Line Client and MySQL Workbench
- Use MySQL JDBC driver (Connector/J): download MySQL JDBC driver manually; and use Maven dependency
- Code a Java Project:
+ Connect to MySQL database server
+ Insert a new row to the database
+ Get all rows from the database
+ Close the connection

Required Software Programs:
+ Java Development Kit (JDK)
+ MySQL Database Community Server
+ MySQL Workbench
+ Eclipse IDE

This tutorial is perfect to start database programming with Java, using MySQL as the database.

For text-based tutorial:


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