渔米之乡·适耕庄【下集·米之篇】~吃美食 ~看飞机 ~稻田风光,一日食游记 ♥️ Sekinchan:Land of Rice & Fishery EP2/2 ~ Food Adventure

Описание к видео 渔米之乡·适耕庄【下集·米之篇】~吃美食 ~看飞机 ~稻田风光,一日食游记 ♥️ Sekinchan:Land of Rice & Fishery EP2/2 ~ Food Adventure

适耕庄 是一个风景如画的海滨小镇,坐落在马来西亚半岛的西海岸,以其宁静的美景和繁荣的农业景观而闻名。这个迷人的小镇位于雪兰莪州,以生机勃勃的稻田而闻名,稻田绵延不绝,郁郁葱葱。【适耕庄】在中文里的意思是 "适合种植的村庄",用来形容这个以水稻种植为中心的地方再合适不过了。来到【适耕庄】的游客会感受到乡村生活与现代农业实践的独特融合,有机会探索青翠的稻田,与当地农民交流,品尝从附近水域捕获的新鲜海鲜。小镇质朴的魅力、友好的当地人以及作为马来西亚重要的稻米产地的作用,使【适耕庄】成为自然爱好者和寻求马来西亚乡村生活原汁原味的游客心驰神往的目的地。

Sekinchan is a picturesque coastal town nestled on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, known for its serene beauty and thriving agricultural landscape. Situated in the state of Selangor, this charming town is renowned for its vibrant paddy fields that stretch as far as the eye can see, painting the landscape with lush greenery. The name "Sekinchan" translates to "village suitable for plantation" in Chinese, a fitting description for a place where rice cultivation takes center stage. Visitors to Sekinchan are treated to a unique blend of rustic rural life and modern agricultural practices, with opportunities to explore the verdant rice paddies, interact with local farmers, and savor delicious seafood caught fresh from the nearby waters. The town's rustic charm, friendly locals, and its role as a vital rice bowl of Malaysia make Sekinchan an enchanting destination for both nature enthusiasts and those seeking an authentic taste of Malaysian rural life.

#适耕庄 #渔米之乡 #sekinchan
1) 阿嬷的家 Ah Ma House
Address: Lot 10376, Jalan Tali Air 5, Pekan Sekinchan, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor.
Hours: 10am-6pm daily.

2) 适耕庄人民碾米廠 + 米乐坊 Kilang Beras Rakyat Sekinchan Paddy Gallery + Pearl Rice Garden
Address: Lot No, Ban 2, 9990, Jalan Tali Air 5, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor.
Hours: 9.30am-5.30pm daily.

3) 华仔芒果园 Mongo King
Address: 248, Lorong Empat, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor.
Hours: 9am-6pm daily.

4) 适耕庄香椰园 Sekinchan Coconut Farm
Address: Jalan Tali Air 4, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor.
Hours: 10am-5pm daily, closed on Tuesday~Thursday for Prophet's Birthday.

5) 南天宫九皇大帝庙 Nine Emperor Gods of Nantian Temple
Address: Lorong Tiga, Site A Kampung Kian Sit, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor

6) 垦殖国民型华文小学 SRJK(C) Kian Sit
Address: Lorong Tiga, Site A Kampung Kian Sit, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor.

7) 稻田中的飞机 Terminal Sekinchan
Address: Ban 3, Jalan Parit 5, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor.

8) 拾绿号 N16 Bus Cafe
Address: 11126, Jalan Tali Air 4, Sekinchan, Selangor.
Hours: 11.30am-7pm, Friday to Monday.

9) Restoran Mee Udang Banjir
Address: 587, Jalan Bandar Baru Batu 2, Pasir Penambang, 45000 Kuala Selangor, Selangor.
Hours: 10.30am-7pm daily, closed on Wednesday~Saturday for Prophet's Birthday.
00:47 阿嬷的家 Ah Ma House
05:08 適耕莊人民碾米廠 + 米乐坊 Kilang Beras Rakyat Sekinchan Paddy Gallery + Pearl Rice Garden
09:26 华仔芒果园 Mongo King
09:30 适耕庄香椰园 Sekinchan Coconut Farm
13:37 垦殖国民型华文小学 SRJK(C) Kian Sit
13:57 南天宫九皇大帝庙 Nine Emperor Gods of Nantian Temple
18:17 稻田中的飞机 Terminal Sekinchan
20:47 拾绿号 N16 Bus Cafe
25:45 Restoran Mee Udang Banjir
@大马食游记 ‪@MYFoodAdventure‬
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• This YouTube channel documents our visiting and eating experiences throughout Malaysia.
• This channel is not an authoritative "food channel," nor is it a definitive guide to Malaysian cuisine, but simply a way to share experiences and encounters with eating out along the way.
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