The Portrait of The Monk: The General Prologue |Geoffrey Chaucer|

Описание к видео The Portrait of The Monk: The General Prologue |Geoffrey Chaucer|

The General Prologue is the most famous work by first English Poet or father of English poetry, Geoffrey Chaucer. This piece of work was written as a prologue to The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales is also known as the General Prologue. In this prologue there are twenty nine characters about whom, Chaucer tells us, among the 29 characters 5 characters are discussed under the heading Tradesmen, which include, Haberdasher, Carpenter, Aras maker, Dyer and Weaver, host is included in the 29 characters. These characters were going on a pilgrimage to The Canterbury in the month of April and stayed in the Tabard Inn, where poet or narrator fell in their company. Here he observed them and later presented to us his observation of all these 29 characters as they appeared to him.
In this series of lecture we will discuss in detail with each of the characters from the General Prologue.
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