A CapedWonder.com exclusive.
From Selutron (April 10, 2015):
"Warmest greetings to CapedWonder and Superman fans.
With the addition of some fresh tweaks, HD upgrading and a few other bits and pieces, here is the “Donner/Mankiewicz Superman II ending” concept clip which MANK (Tom Mankiewicz) very graciously watched back in 2007.
Unlike most of the other “Selutron” clips, I held onto this one for two reasons: Firstly, with all the storyboards, temp music and other rough edges, it requires considerable suspension of disbelief to take-in as a viable dramatic presentation. I was reluctant to have it stand next to the other more polished clips. Secondly, as many of you will know, I had hoped that a “new, secret ending” hook might be a strong selling point should Warners ever want to go back and undertake a more thorough restoration attempt of the Donner Superman II footage.
Alas, time goes by, and for Selutron it’s time to move on... Economics is the cold hard reality by which studios make decisions. “Should” and “right thing to do” and “would be great” and all the rest of it really don’t sway decisions one bit. In this case, there really is no hope that such a fresh restoration effort will be funded any time soon. If anything, market forces appear to be going the other way (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on Blu-Ray anyone?).
So, if you can, watch and hopefully enjoy. It should be a bit of a tearjerker ending, you know – but one that ends with an unbridled sense of happiness. That is the intention, anyway...
Spoiler alert from hereon: So why this? “Explain yourself!” I suspect not everyone will find this a viable ending. But it appeared to offer narrative closure for the Superman two-parter. Superman learns a hard lesson. He disobeyed his father, broke the rules, and paid a very high price. But we end on a note of hope, forgiveness and redemption – and we come full circle (of course, Clark is going to pay for Lois’ pizza!!). Jor-El gives the world a Super kiss of sorts...he bids farewell to his son with a loving smile. The son becomes the father...
Of the new Donner footage revealed in “The Donner Cut” the most lovely for me was the end scene at the Daily Planet. No odd 2006 music cues to spoil things. No dodgy editing or effects. Just a simple resurrected moment of original 1970s movie magic. How to use that? How to avoid an ending that loses it? How to not end the movie on a petty act of revenge by Clark in the diner?
Conversely, the scene that never seemed to work for me was the re-powering in the middle of the movie. It seemed predictable (argues with dad, leaves, comes back, gets powers back), and also odd for Jor-El to end his relationship with his son on such a down, vitriolic note: “Have your powers back, but screw you and I’m outta here!”. Where’s the redemption? Where are Donner’s upbeat Americana and Mankiewicz’s biblical themes in all this?
I’m absolutely sure Dick and Mank would have had the same discussion had they resumed filming in 1979. The dynamics of the script changed when they tore the ending of II and made it the ending of I. That would have necessitated some further surgery. I believe this may have been it. But, as Tom wrote me: “Who knows...?”
Thanks to everyone who has supported this effort over the years! And thanks to Sarah Douglas for saying some nice things about my work (I had a crush on Ursa as a kid!)
My best,
Twitter: @TheSelutron
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