The Sunbeam Strength and Balance Program to reduce falls

Описание к видео The Sunbeam Strength and Balance Program to reduce falls

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Falls hurt everyone.

They harm the individual, those that care for them, as well as the broader community by placing an enormous strain on the health care system - more than any other trauma.

We can't stop ageing, but could we reduce the harmful and burdensome cost of falls?

We know that exercise can reduce our risk of falls, but there is an urgent lack of evidence for its usefulness in a residential care setting.

So a group of Australian researchers set out to test if an evidence-based strength and balance exercise program of 2 hours per week could reduce falls for residential care residents.

They randomly allocated 221 residents of 16 residential aged care facilities to either the Sunbeam Strength and Balance Program or the usual residential care, and compared the impact on both groups' falls over 12 months.

The results were nothing short of amazing.

Sunbeam participants experienced a staggering 55% fewer falls.

They also gained a significant boost to their physical performance, improving their opportunity to remain independent and participate in life.

What's more, it's not only individuals who stand to benefit from such a program.

If the Sunbeam Strength and Balance Program was scaled nationally, the short and long term benefits would save the Australian Health Care Economy an estimated 120 million dollars.

It's clear.

A tailored, evidence-based program of strength and balance exercises, prescribed by a physiotherapist, could dramatically improve the health and mobility of the world's elderly population.


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