Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatus hernia with composite mesh.

Описание к видео Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatus hernia with composite mesh.

#advancedlaparoscopicsurgery #laproscopicgastrointestinalsurgery #minimalaccesssurgery #bariatricsurgery #hiatushernia #Dysphagia #heartburn #reflux #laparoscopicsurgeon #foodpipedisease

Hiatus hernia is a defect or weakness in the diaphragm causing stomach and lower portion of food pipe to migrate in the thoracic cavity causing symptoms like heartburn, dysphagia, reflux and vomiting.
Laparoscopic surgery is safe and effective treatment for this condition. A composite mesh is used to reinforce the defect can preventing recurrence in the long term.


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