Jammer Club #1 - Jukes, Jumps & Jam Starts

Описание к видео Jammer Club #1 - Jukes, Jumps & Jam Starts

Warm up

- Spear and Trebuchet steps

- Jumps

+ Fundamental footwork

Crossover / Jab step. Cones/ hexagons

Now with partner 

+ V cone lateral jukes


Break it down


+ take off / in air / landing

- 2 180° 2

- 1 180° 1

- 1  000° 2

Lane drills. 

V cone / Juke / V cone / Juke 

Practicing only the above. 

Jam starts Groups of 3. 

- Spear

- Shotgun

- Swimmer crush / Acho

Skill then jam it out. 


Информация по комментариям в разработке