Ep 41: Mindset for WLS success

Описание к видео Ep 41: Mindset for WLS success

Welcome to this week's episode of the Bariatric Nutrition Coach Podcast. I'm going to talk about why mindset is not just important in the early stages post-surgery, but also critical for long-term success and well-being. So I will share 5 key mindset tips that will improve your bariatric journey.

In this episode, I talked about:

1. Focusing on what you have control after weight loss surgery
2. How to stop comparing yourself to others
3. Understanding that surgery is only a 'tool'
4. Having surgery as a lifelong commitment
5. Being open on getting a support is you are struggling

Links and resources:

1. Sneak peek on The Bariatric Nutrition Bootcamp Video Here (   • Видео  )
2. Follow me on Instagram (  / bariatricnutritioncoach  )
3. Join my FREE  (  / 2833332840126055  ) Facebook Community
4. Download FREE (https://bariatric-nutrition-coach.myk...)  my mini course - Supercharge Your WLS Success Starter Kit
5. Visit The Bariatric Nutrition Coach Website  (https://www.bariatricnutritioncoach.c...) to learn more

Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my podcasts coming up soon. And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review? Thanks!

GENERAL ADVICE WARNING This podcast delivers general advice and is not intended to provide treatment in anyway. Please consult with your medical team for personalized advice.


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