Champion Size Comparison - League of Legends

Описание к видео Champion Size Comparison - League of Legends

League of Legends Champion Comparison in reality!
We all know that Malphite or Cho'Gath are extremely large, but there are still champion that much bigger, and some champion has massive size that we can't imagine how it look in reality.
In this video we will compare there size in lore to explore who is the biggest one in LOL.

I wasn't list many champions that have the the same size in this video because I don't want to have 2 hours long video. So I will list all the champion and there size in comment.


Music: Final Boss - Myuu
Image: League of Legends

Aurelion Sol size: 3 953m 8:06
Galio size: 31.6m 7:42
Cho'Gath (each stack adds about 12 feet) size: 21.9m 7:18
Malphite size: 10.9m 7:38
Nautilus size: 10.9m 7:11
Vel'Koz size: 9.14m 6:58
Ornn size: 9.14m 7:30
Volibear size: 9.14m 7:06
Mega Gnar size: 8.53m 6:53
Maokai size: 6.70m 6:42
Trundle size: 6.09m 6:35
Shyvana (dragon form) size: 5.48m (long) 6:21
Skarner (from claw to tail) size: 4.87m
Anivia (while standing) size: 4.57m 6:07
Renekton size: 4.57m
Nasus size: 4.57m 6:14
Rek'Sai size: 4.5m
Cassiopeia size: 3.96m 6:00
Hecarim size: 3.96m
Aatrox size: 3.65m 5:49
Alistar (without horns) size: 3.17m 5:43
Ivern size: 3.04m 5:33
Urgot size: 3.04m 5:39
Sion size: 3.04m 5:45
Blitzcrank size: 2.74m 5:27
Rhaast size: 2.74m
Dr. Mundo size: 2.64m 5:21
Azir size: 2.56m 5:15
Mordekaiser size: 2.5m
Kha'Zix (stretched) size: 2.43m 5:09
Warwick size: 2.33m 4:57
Zac (largest size) size: 2.28m
Braum size: 2.26m 4:51
Gragas size: 2.18m 4:45
Xerath size: 2.13m
Camille size: 2.08m 4:39
Kog'Maw (at shoulder) size: 2.03m 4:27
Rengar size: 2.03m 4:33
Jarvan IV size: 1.98m
Darius size: 1.95m 4:21
Illaoi size: 1.95m
Bard ~ 1.95m (but some people says that he can scale his size to infinite)

Jhin size: 1.93m
Kha'Zix (crouched) size: 1.93m
Lissandra size: 1.93m
Pantheon size: 1.93m
Singed size: 1.90m
Vladimir size: 1.90m
Sett and Aphelios ~ 1.8m - 1.9 (Splash art)
Soraka size: 1.87m 4:15
Taric size: 1.87m
Jax size: 1.87m 4:09
Wukong size: 1.87m
Viktor size: 1.87m
Garen size: 1.85m 3:51
Sylas ~ 1.8m - 1.9m (Season 2020 cinematic he has the same height with Garen)
Tryndamere size: 1.85m 3:57
Zilean size: 1.85m 4:03
Twisted Fate size: 1.85m
Draven (without hair) size: 1.85m
Elise (human form) size: 1.85m
Leona size: 1.85m
Yorick (upright) size: 1.85m
Fiddlestick size: 1.82m
Gankgplank size: 1.82m
Lucian size: 1.82m 3:39
Jayce size: 1.82m 3:45
Sejuani size: 1.82m
Fiora size: 1.80m
Master Yi size: 1.80m 3:15
Olaf size: 1.80m
Zyra size: 1.80m
Yasuo size: 1.80m 3:21
Swain size: 1.80m 3:27
Brand size: 1.77m 2:57
Diana size: 1.77m
Irelia size: 1.77m 3:03
Kalista size: 1.77m
Kayn size: 1.77m 3:09
Noctune size: 1.77m
Pyke size: 1.77m
Udyr size: 1.77m
Ashe size: 1.75m 2:39
Kassadin size: 1.75m
Zed size: 1.75m 2:27
Rakan size: 1.75m
Graves size: 1.75m 0:19
Vi size: 1.75m
Vayne size: 1.75m 2:45
Taliyah size: 1.75m
Riven size: 1.75m 2:51
Karma size: 1.72m 2:09
Talon size: 1.72m
Orianna size: 1.72m 2:15
Quinn size: 1.72m
Janna: 1.72m
Sivir size: 1.72m
Ryze size: 1.72m 2:21
Shen size: 1.72m 2:33
Xin Zhao size: 1.72m
Caitlyn (without hat and boots) size: 1.70m 2:03
Morgana size: 1.70m
Varus size: 1.70m
Ekko size: 1.67m
Ezreal size: 1.67m
Malzahar size: 1.67m 1:45
Kai’Sa size: 1.67m
Sona size: 1.67m
Nami size: 1.67m
Lee Sin size: 1.67m 1:51
Syndra size: 1.67m
Shyvana (human form) size: 1.67m
Nidalee (human form) size: 1.67m
Miss Fortune size: 1.67m 1:57
Ahri (without ears) size: 1.65m
Evelynn size: 1.65m
LeBlanc size: 1.65m 1:39
Katarina size: 1.65m
Shaco (if he isn’t a demonic toy) size: 1.65m
Kayle size: 1.65m
Karthus size: 1.62m 1:33
Akali size: 1.60m 1:27
Jinx size: 1.60m
Xayah size: 1.60m
Qiyana ~ 1.5m - 1.6m (teaser)
Zac (smallest size) size: 1.57m 1:21
Kindred size: 1.5m
Lux size: 1.54m 1:15
Neeko size: 1.44m 1:09
Twitch size: 1.44m
Zoe size: 1.39m 1:03
Nunu (the boy) size: 1.27m
Elise (spider form) size: 1.21m
Annie size: 1.14m
Amumu size: 1.09m 0:57
Poppy size: 0.96m 0:51
Heimerdinger (without afro) size: 0.96m
Fizz size: 0.91m 0:45
Kled size: 0.91m
Rammus size: 0.91m
Corki size: 0.86m 0:39
Tristana size: 0.81m
Teemo size: 0.81m 0:33
Kennen size: 0.78m 0:27
Rumble size: 0.78m
Lulu (without hat) size: 0.76m
Ziggs size: 0.76m
Mini Gnar size: 0.73m 0:21
Veigar (without hat) size: 0.73m
Yyumi ~ real cat size lol


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