Building VR Projects for Meta (Oculus) Quest 2 with Unreal Engine 5.4.4, macOS, Java 17, Flamingo

Описание к видео Building VR Projects for Meta (Oculus) Quest 2 with Unreal Engine 5.4.4, macOS, Java 17, Flamingo

This is a complete how-to for building VR Projects for Meta (Oculus) Quest 2 projects using Unreal Engine 5.4.4, macOS, Java 17, and Flamingo.

Build notes are at:

1. Install Java 17
Java runtime: OpenJDK 17.0.6 2023-01-17

2. Download Android Studio Flamingo
Android Studio Version: Flamingo 2022.2.1 Patch 2 May 24, 2023
Get it at:
Configure Android Studio
SDK Platforms Tab
In the window's lower right, check the box that says “Show Package Details.” This will expand all of your options and give you more details.
Uncheck Android API 35
Check Android 12L

SDK Tools Tab
In the window's lower right, check the box that says “Show Package Details.” This will expand all of your options.

Expand Android SDK Build-Tools 35-rc3
Uncheck 35.0.0
Check 32.0.0

Scroll down to
NDK (Side by side)
Check 25.1.8937393

Scroll down to
Android SDK Command Line Tools (latest).
Check Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest) Version 13

Scroll down to CMake and check both

Then scroll down and check
Android SDK Platform-Tools (The Version column will be 35.0.2)

Select OK and then Confirm Changes

2. Install Xcode if you haven't already. You will need to open Xcode and accept the license.
If Unreal cannot find your Xcode, even though you have it installed, you will need to run

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

You will get get prompted for your password. Type it in.
After that you will get no message back from this command. Helpful right?
Now try relaunching Unreal Engine and see if it is happy.

3. Install Epic Games Launcher to Install Unreal Engine 5.4.4

After Installing UE 5.4.4 then, use the tiny down arrow on the button to get to options and install the additional Android Target Platform

Show the hidden /Users/your-username-here/Library folder in macOS

Settings for Platforms, Android
Minimum SDK Version (26=8.0.0, 27=8.1.0, 28=9, 29=10, 30=11, 31=12): 30
Internal Name MinSDKVersion

Target SDK Version (26=8.0.0, 27=8.1.0, 28=9, 29=10, 30=11, 31=12): 32
Internal Name TargetSDKVersion

Also, scroll down and check the box for
Package game data inside .apk?

Settings for Platforms, Android SDK
Location of Android SDK (the directory usually contains 'android-sdk-')
Internal Name: SDKPath

Location of Android NDK (the directory usually contains 'android-ndk-')
Internal Name: NDKPath

Location of JAVA (the directory usually contains 'jdk')
To ensure this is the correct path, see the Installing Java 17 section of this document.
Internal Name: JavaPath

SDK API Level (specific version, 'latest', or 'matchndk' - see tooltip)
Internal Name: SDKAPILevel

NDK API Level (specific version or 'latest' - see tooltip)
Internal Name: NDKAPILevel

Package Project
You will get a message that says the SDK is not installed. Let it install.
Create a folder with a name you’ll remember. I use “Quest2”


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