Lure fishing a new deep water mark savage gear surf seeker

Описание к видео Lure fishing a new deep water mark savage gear surf seeker

A tough couple of sessions at a new mark! A good walk in very warm conditions! We did find a few fish in the end some small pollock and little bass that I didn’t get on film. The school bass fell to an allblue gold metal all the others were caught on surf seekers. The final fish must have transferred the hook to the rocks ! How do they do that 🤷🏻‍♂️I think just turning up at new places all the time is helping me gain good experience and making the best of what you have got we can’t be doing too much wrong as we rarely blank. It would be nice to spend time working out marks but I am normally traveling around so not in one place for long.
Thanks for watching and staying with me 👍🏻


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