1301 - 12 03 2024 - क्या देवलोक, ब्रह्मलोक, स्वर्ग इत्यादि में अनंत आनंद है?

Описание к видео 1301 - 12 03 2024 - क्या देवलोक, ब्रह्मलोक, स्वर्ग इत्यादि में अनंत आनंद है?

Our scriptures and many preachers ask us to do good deeds, practice meditation or pray to different Gods to get salvation. What salvation are they talking about? Scriptures mention that there are four types of salvation that one can attain based on our activities on earth "Sarupya, Saayuggya, Salokya, Saameepya". These salvations give freedom from the cycles of birth and death. These are however time bound and once the fixed term is over one has to come back to the earth i.e. reborn as one of the 84 Lakh spicies. Vasudev Krishnaji has also confirmed this in his own words "Everyone will be certainly reborn". It is like releasing a prisoner on parole. Once parole time is over the person will be put back into the prison. So is there something called permanent salvation? Answer is "Yes". Want to know how to get it? Watch this video.

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