Motor Honda Sonic Drag Racing Buatan Thailand X Malaysia

Описание к видео Motor Honda Sonic Drag Racing Buatan Thailand X Malaysia

Sebuah Drag bike yang berusaha anak malaysia bersama expert Thailand membina sebuah jentera drag di buat dari Honda Sonic 150 jadi kan 250cc dgn gabungan perbagai parts2 racing dan mencapai masa terpantas semasa test drag di Thailand dgn masa 5.8sec dlm 201meter. Jom tengok full video review motor dag ini dari Maran MotorSCK Racing

#ThailandDrag #KazutoGarage #MUSCDrag

A Malaysia team Meran Motor SCK Racing work out with Thailand builder to produce this Honda Sonic 150cc to 250cc for drag racing, during the test run in Thailand they got 5.8 sec in 201 meter drag time. come let us review this bike for you & see the detail of this Honda Sonic see what racing parts they had install to make this bike so fast !!

#HondaSonic #DragRacing

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Honda Sonic 150 250 CBR Drag racing bike MUSC Drag Racing Kazuto Garage Kazuto Soon MSD Api Tech Vee Rubber tire Honda CBR150 1000 fireblade modify modified motorcycle Thaialnd Drag Songkhla Speedway kingkasha Meran Motor SCK racing Bored Up 250

Honda Sonic 150 250 CBR Drag racing bike MUSC Drag Racing Kazuto Garage Kazuto Soon MSD Api Tech Vee Rubber tire Honda CBR150 1000 fireblade modify modified motorcycle Thaialnd Drag Songkhla Speedway kingkasha Meran Motor SCK racing Bored Up 250

Honda Sonic 150 250 CBR Drag racing bike MUSC Drag Racing Kazuto Garage Kazuto Soon MSD Api Tech Vee Rubber tire Honda CBR150 1000 fireblade modify modified motorcycle Thaialnd Drag Songkhla Speedway kingkasha Meran Motor SCK racing Bored Up 250


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