Gregory Lemarchal СТС "История в деталях. Грегори Лемаршаль"

Описание к видео Gregory Lemarchal СТС "История в деталях. Грегори Лемаршаль"

It's inexplicable and unfair. France still can't recover. Nobody expected such absurd outcome of talented person's life. Gregory Lemarchal has just become a superstar, he has just made French people from 5 till 75 love him.
Not only in France even in Russia people managed to love him. There is even Gregorian society in Russia. Most of their time young people promote the art of a very talented young man.

Gregory Lemarchal, the winner of a French Star Academy in 2004 managed to release just 2 albums that took first places of French speaking countries. That's why it's even sadder because it's always lack of real things.
He didn't turn 24 years but he could be in May of this year, he isn't with us, but his email address still receives emails full of optimism. You've got an email (I think there is a connection with a name of a movie..) The report is made by Ivan Konovalcev, Lyubov Kamyrina, Dmitriy Sapun and Tatiana Nikolaeva.

You've got an email. And it doesn't matter that there'll be no answer. It's important to know that you have said, let it be not personally like you dreamt about but you've said: merci, Lemarchal.

Hello! My name is Natalie, I'm 14. I live in Paris right next to your studio. Several times I saw you came here but I had no courage to come up to you. You were always surrounded by so many girls but now.. Formerly everybody thought I was shy and reserved but I was just ashamed of being myself. But when I got to know that in your 12 you were already a France champion of acrobatic rock'n'roll I firstly smiled. You're my idol. And I decided to be like you. 3 year ago I started to dance.

My teachers tell me I have a facility. Now I'm not afraid of looking right into eyes of people I love. I want so badly to tell you thank you for that I became more self-confident. Coz from the childhood you knew that you had incurable disease but anyway you found energy to live brightly. Thank you, Gregory, for being in my life. I'll never forget you, Natalie Couvier (don't know how to write names), 14 years old, Paris.

Hello! My name is Michael, I'm 19 and I'm from Leon. And I have a disease, it's mucoviscidosis. I know you had the same. And the more a read about you the more I understand that we've got a lot in common except for I don't have a voice. Until I got to know about your life, I wanted to be a doctor. Naturally first of all to help myself but I've just learnt that mucoviscidosis is a genetical abnormality, constitutional genetical disease of respiratory passages. And the most important it can't be treated. That's how I knew what depression was and what to want to suicide is. Its' scary, I gave up studying; my parents didn't know what to do with me. My mom always cried. And then you won at the Star Academy and everybody discovered that you have incurable malady, but I learnt what hope is. I love your songs, they help me to live. I got back to lection in university. But now I don't think mostly of helping myself, I dream that I will be able to help somebody like you have helped me. Thank you, Gregory. Maybe soon I will say thank you personally, Michael.

Hello, Gregory! I'm Linda. I live in London. Yesterday I had a birthday. I turned 17 and all the night I spent with you, more accurately with your songs. I was given them as a present by my school friend on the graduate party. She is French and she said that now in Paris it's the most popular music. I played the CD and couldn't stop. I listened to it 10 times at a run and I would listen to it more if my parents didn't mutiny, at 7 am they usually awfully want to sleep. And today I've found out that you're not with us anymore.. But I haven't cried, I played again your album and you know.. for me you exist because I hear you, I feel you. Besides I recollected that I've seen you on TV, perhaps in 2006, on the cable TV it was showed the ceremony award NRG. Then I got the award as a New Artist. I don't know why I paid attention on you just now. You're the best present in my life. Thank you! Be happy! I hope it's possible where you sing now..

Gregory Lemarchal was born in May 1983, in a provincial town Chamberry. From the very childhood he adored music and dance, from his childhood he attracted attentions of venerables. If there were concerts of celebrities, Lemarchal warmed up before the show, if it had been a meeting, then there was an invitation to Paris. And then the main character in capital's musical "Adam and Eva", and then the French Star Academy, and thousands of email on server, thousands of letter on postal address. That's how he became famous, that's how he disappeared, but letters still come and the music lives!

THANX JustinaMariposa for translate!!


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