How to fix water damaged RV wall. Re-gluing delaminated plywood, injecting special Composet epoxy

Описание к видео How to fix water damaged RV wall. Re-gluing delaminated plywood, injecting special Composet epoxy

How to repair an RV wall where the siding has delaminated due to water damage. In this video a camping trailer owner utilizes a Composet Products L.L.C. RV Delamination Repair Kit to peform a DIY fix on fiberglass RV siding,

Camper siding bulgedelaminated LuannWhat is Composet SLV?
Composet SLV® is a proprietary composite bonding system developed specifically for re-bonding RV walls. Far superior in this application to general purpose glues, boat epoxy, construction adhesive, fiberglass resin, and polyester,etc., Composet SLV® has special properties including thermal flexibility, styrofoam compatibility, low viscosity, moisture resistance, high adhesion, and extended work life.

How many square feet does it cover?
Coverage depends on the extent of the damage, the number of layers being treated, efficiency, and other variables.
Average coverage is 8-12 square feet coverage for the #12 Rv Delamination Repair Kit, up to 30 square feet with the #24 RV Delamination Repair Kit.

What are RV walls made of?
Typically, the outer layer is a thin fiberglass sheet, followed by Luann plywood, insulating foam board, and an inner layer of paneling or pressed cardboard. A framework of metal or wood is also part of the wall. The materials are bonded together to form a COMPOSITE STRUCTURE.

RV Delamination Repair System and SealantsRV window leak caused delaminationHow to fix RV Wall DelaminationHow can you spot wall delamination?
Look at the wall from an angle and check for bulges or bubbles. Most sidewalls are not perfectly flat, so this can be tricky, however, the bubble can be worse when the wall is in direct sunlight due to the de-bonded material expanding at different rates. Next, tap lightly on the wall with a plastic screwdriver handle, solid areas and delaminated areas sound different.Will your products fix delaminated fiberglass siding on my RV?
Our products alone cannot fix delamination. Our kit is a tool developed for use in RV side wall delamination repair that has to potential to repair or improve delaminated walls, floors, and roofs.What is delamination?

Delamination happens when the bond between one or more layers fails. This can happen in isolated areas, or throughout the entire wall panel.Why does delamination occur in an RV?
In many cases a leak path opens allowing water to enter the wall. Typically this happens adjacent to windows, vents, lights, roof lines, etc. Age, quality of the original workmanship and materials, vibration, and exposure to the elements are factors related to water intrusion. We typically see a situation where water breaks down the glue that bonds the layers of the Luann plywood.


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