Shaping Farnham’s Future

Описание к видео Shaping Farnham’s Future

The Farnham Infrastructure Programme is consulting on two town centre proposals.

Both proposals would introduce wider pavements and new and improved crossings around the town centre for pedestrians. There would be space for cycle parking and retailers’ deliveries, new trees and planting and public seating for outdoor dining, making the town centre a nicer environment to visit and spend leisure time.

Proposed changes to the traffic flows would mean some roads that are currently one-way would become two-way. This would prevent vehicles having to circle unnecessarily around the town.

The proposals do not prevent a wider pedestrianisation scheme being taken forward in the future.

Proposal A is ‘Castle Street and Downing Street’, and proposal B is ‘changes to the traffic flow and The Borough’. To see the detailed proposals for the town centre and to have your say, please visit


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