IGCSE CHEMISTRY SOLVED past paper 0620/62/F/M/23 - February / March 2023 Paper 62

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Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry paper 62 February / March 2023 - (0620_m23_qp_62), Solved and Explained.

To further explain the logic behind drawing a smooth curve instead of a straight line of best fit in Question 2, it is essential to consider the nature of the relationship between the variables under analysis. Thus the decision to choose between a straight or curved line of best fit in a chemistry IGCSE exam hinges on the following factors:

1. Linear Relationship: If the data points exhibit a clear and consistent linear relationship, wherein an increase in one variable corresponds to a proportional increase in the other variable, a straight line of best fit is appropriate.

2. Curved Relationship: Conversely, if the data points demonstrate a curved relationship, wherein the "Rate" of increase or decrease in one variable "Varies" with changes in the other variable, a curve of best fit is more suitable.

It is crucial to emphasize that the choice between a straight or curve line of best fit should be solely based on the characteristics of the data and the relationship between the variables, rather than personal preferences or assumptions.

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Intro: (00:00)
Question1: (00:10)
Long-chain alkanes can be broken down into shorter chain alkanes and gaseous alkenes. Vapour from a long-chain alkane is passed over a very hot catalyst and the gases formed are collected over water. The apparatus used is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Question2: (03:21)
A student investigates the solubility of ammonium chloride in water at different temperatures. The student does five experiments using the following instructions. Experiment 1 ● Fill a burette with distilled water. ● Run some of the water out of the burette so that the level of the water is on the burette scale. ● Use the burette to add 8.0cm3 of distilled water to a 5.25g sample of ammonium chloride in a boiling tube. ● Clamp the boiling tube at an angle, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Question3: (12:08)
A student tests two solutions: solution C and solution D. Tests on solution C Solution C is aqueous calcium nitrate. Complete the expected observations. The student divides solution C into three portions.
(a) The student carries out a flame test on the first portion of solution C. observations

Question4: (16:48)
Cadmium, cobalt and vanadium are all metals. They react with dilute hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen gas. These reactions are exothermic. Plan an investigation to find the order of reactivity of the three metals. Your plan must make it clear how your investigation will be a fair test and how you will use your results to place the metals in order of reactivity. You are provided with powdered samples of each metal, dilute hydrochloric acid and common laboratory apparatus.


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