Zika: Symptoms, complication and treatment - Dr. Bindu Suresh

Описание к видео Zika: Symptoms, complication and treatment - Dr. Bindu Suresh

undefinedPersons affected with zika virus virus resent from mild to moderate fever associated with headache, joint pains, development of rashes by the 2nd or 3rd day and conjunctivitis. Usually the symptoms are mild and they subside within a span of 3 days to 1 week, rerely we find complications. the complications noted were guillain barre syndrome in very few cases which is a neurological disorder affecting the brain. A number of infants were born with microcephaly i brazil last year. This shows that there is a placental transmission of zika virus from mother to child leading to microchephaly which means a small head and brain damage. Since a no:of cases of microcephaly was presented in brazil. WHO organisation has declared the zika virus as potentially dangerous to pregnant mothers. For persons affected with zika virus the treatment is symptomatic, we use painkillers to reduce the joint pain and headaches, anti-pyretics to bring down the fever. For conjunctivitis we symptomatic viral drops for the eye. Vaccines have not developed for a zika virus


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