Sportster Oil Pump Installation Tips & Tricks

Описание к видео Sportster Oil Pump Installation Tips & Tricks

In this video, learn how to avoid mistakes during the Sportster oil pump installation process. Don't miss out on these important tips!

Assembling the oil pump before isntalling on the bike. After carefully instpecting all gears, and pump body it is a good idea to alap the pump body and cover mating surfaces on a surface block. I no longer have a surface bloclkmp to the cases to 100" as well. . But, there is one more step. hand tighten the pump mounting bolts then turn engine over, torque to 50,turn enginethann torque to 100. Thisinsuresalignment of the goil pump gear to the drive gear.
That is prettty much it. I won't be installing the pump on the bike itself until I pick up a roll of 3/8" oil linefrom NAPA,alongwith newclamps. It is a good ideato replace the oil lines if you aren't sure how old they are. in Thise case they are about 25 years old and were rrather hard coming off,no caracks anywhere, but cheap insurance really. so I use a plane of glass with a 100 grit sheet of wet / dry sand paper. You will want to use a circular motion while doing this. After a few seconds you can check the body to see for any hihigh or low spots.
Aafter thourghly cleaning all parts with parts cleaner(no, not the dirty stuff in your parts washer),itis a good ideato washthe partsin soapy water(hot), then immediattely coat with oil or assembly lube. I went directly for the assembly lube.
Use a little blue loctite one screws, and a new o-rig for the cover. You will torque these to 100 inch pounds. Yeah, the manual says more. Over torquingthese pumps can distort the pump body. The procedure I use is is torque to 50 thspin the pump, then torque to 100. You willalso torque the mounting bolts for the pu


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