Special Village இட்லி மிளகாய் பொடி / எங்கள் வீட்டு காய்கறி தோட்டம் / Idli Podi /

Описание к видео Special Village இட்லி மிளகாய் பொடி / எங்கள் வீட்டு காய்கறி தோட்டம் / Idli Podi /

My parents live in Hosur, they have a small vegetable patch in their back yard. It's a small space but my mom has planted a few essential kitchen herbs and vegetables. The purpose for this video is to show you that you can create a kitchen vegetable garden even in a small space available.

My mom also makes a village style special Idli Milagai Podi. This is my most favourite idly podi recipe :-) I hope it will be useful to you too.

A day in my life in India... #DIML #IdliPodi

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Copyright (c): This video is developed and first published on Sep 12, 2021 by Chennai Girl In London YouTube channel.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored video. Speaker is not a health practitioner. This video is for informational purposes only. Please make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used in this video. Viewers are subjected to use this information on their own risk. This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this.

©Chennai Girl In London ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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