FDA Cleared Cionic Neural Sleeve - Neale Testimonial

Описание к видео FDA Cleared Cionic Neural Sleeve - Neale Testimonial

Neale is a stroke survivor who has been using the Cionic Neural Sleeve to improve his mobility.

The Cionic Neural Sleeve is FDA Cleared bionic clothing to improve mobility and strength for people with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke, and other upper motor neuron diagnoses. The device is the first wearable garment to combine sensing and stimulation, using sensors and adaptive algorithms to understand how the body is moving, what it is trying to do next, and then delivering functional electrical stimulation (FES) directly to the four major muscle groups of the leg to improve mobility in real-time.

The Neural Sleeve is controlled by the intuitive Cionic App, which enables the user to customize their experience. In addition to gait assistance, the content library contains a variety of exercises available to assist with conditioning for users.

Lightweight and flexible, the sleeve looks and feels like an athletic legging.


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