LIVE Ketamine Treatment Session | Depression

Описание к видео LIVE Ketamine Treatment Session | Depression

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Ever wondered what a ketamine treatment for depression is actually like? Experience what it's like to do ketamine treatment for depression in this documentary featuring MedCircle host Kyle Kittleson and his producer Brigid McCuen.

Ketamine was approved by the FDA in the 1960s as a hospital anesthetic. It was then made popular as a street drug. Now this medication is gaining ground as a promising treatment for some cases of PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain, and major depression, which is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Ketamine for depression is the focus of this video, but ketamine can be used for a wider range of mental health problems.

Kyle and Brigid both completed a thorough mental health questionnaire and examination, and consulted with their personal psychiatrists, before their ketamine infusion treatment.

#MentalHealth #MedCircle #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #psychology #ketaminetherapy #depression #depressiontreatment


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