Part 2 - Follow up with NC park rangers EUC, onewheel, and PEV laws and safety.

Описание к видео Part 2 - Follow up with NC park rangers EUC, onewheel, and PEV laws and safety.

Follow up from getting pulled over by park rangers on EUC in NC. I stopped back to check in with the park Rangers on the way down the mountain to see if they had uncovered any relevant laws with regards to operating my EUC in the park on the roads. We also discussed onewheel and other modes of transport. Overall I want to reiterate that the entirety of the contact was positive and cordial even if they had no reason to pull me over in the first place. I have a lot of respect for law enforcement in general. Operating in a known grey area is going to welcome these types of encounters and though they are far and few between, they do occur and it is best to be ready if they happen to you. Though I handled this well, I can see where I could have taken more time to educate them about the device not because I have to but just to be an ambassador for the community. I appreciate your input, thanks for watching


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