An overview on NK/T-cell lymphoma treatment

Описание к видео An overview on NK/T-cell lymphoma treatment

Won Seog Kim, MD, PhD from Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea gives an overview of his talk on the treatment of extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (ENKTL). NK/T-cell lymphoma is very rare in western countries and is a newly discovered lymphoma compared to all the others. Therefore, very few treatments have been available specifically for NK/T-cell lymphoma, and have mainly been taken from strategies treating other lymphomas. This has resulted in poor outcomes. The introduction of asparingase, optimal inclusion of radiotherapies and not using anthracyclines, has resulted in better outcomes. He discusses new therapies such as immuno-oncology, check-point inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies targeting CD38. This interview was recorded at the International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma (ICML) 2017 in Lugano, Switzerland and has been supported by Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd through an unrestricted educational grant to Magdalen Medical Publishing.


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