Nashipai: A story of survival and hope for cheetahs in the Masai Mara

Описание к видео Nashipai: A story of survival and hope for cheetahs in the Masai Mara

The fragility of cheetahs and their arduous journey to adulthood is filled with numerous obstacles, making each successful litter a rare and treasured sight. As one of the many cheetahs that we have followed since the creation of Ishara, Nashipai has faced countless challenges in her pursuit of raising cubs to adulthood. Each loss weighed heavily on our hearts, and when we came across her with a new litter we couldn't help but feel guarded in our optimism. Little did we know, this story would unfold in a completely different direction. With a dedicated team of rangers looking after this family on a daily basis, we have been able to witness the cubs grow from just a few weeks old to over a year old now. This is a story of resilience, survival, and hope - a story that has brought joy and inspiration to all of us who have followed it closely.

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The Canon Brand Experience Centre
Ishara encourages you to capture every incredible moment of your stay, which is why we have partnered with Canon to create the first official Canon Brand Experience Centre in the Mara, a world-class interactive and artistic space at camp. To find out about our partnership with Canon, visit

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