Copyright: The Basics - AP Computer Science Principles

Описание к видео Copyright: The Basics - AP Computer Science Principles

I've been putting off making this video because copyright is such a deep and complex topic. I compromised by making a very basic, surface-level video on the topic and linking to a bunch of videos where you can learn more. So here they are!

Here's the Khan Academy article I've been referecing:

Crash Course: Copyright Basics
   • Copyright Basics: Crash Course Intell...  

What's Up With Copyright?
   • C&C A.3 What’s Up with Copyright Anyw...  

What is Copyright?
   • What is Copyright?  

Understanding Copyright, Public Domain, and Fair Use:
   • Understanding Copyright, Public Domai...  

What is Fair Use?
   • What is Copyright Fair Use | The 4 Fa...  


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