Christmas Unboxing - Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition // Santa and Todd Return!

Описание к видео Christmas Unboxing - Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition // Santa and Todd Return!

Zorz Gaming Christmas 2023 - Santa Claus is about to make you his B!T(H!
LordGurciullo unboxes the Razer Viper Mini Signature for Christmas!
The mouse has a ton going for it from the presentation to the feel with one glaring downside, but so far I'm loving it. Review coming soon. My thoughts on the tie have changed... its actually pretty Zorz! @razer @Gen3DTech
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!

Is the Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition worth it?
What is Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition?
How much is the Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition?
What number is the Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition?
What is the Razer Viper Mini Wireless Signature Edition weight?
Answers in upcoming review :)

0:00 - Intro
0:42 - Santas Revenge
1:01 - Unboxing the Mouse!
5:24 - Extreme Mush Side Buttons
6:16 - Gen3Tech is ALWAYS on the nice list
7:49 - Gentlemanly Handkerchief
8:49 - Romero Was Also a Victim of Santa
10:04 - Herpes for Christmas!
10:55 - The Glide of the Viper
11:45 - Say Hi to Todd!
12:43 - Santa Repents

Oldman and LordGurciullo   • M2K Unboxing - Oldman and LordGurciul...  
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Music provided by ScratchMae AKA Beef
  / scratch-mae  
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