2 - Tutorial OpenFaceR - Installing OpenFace

Описание к видео 2 - Tutorial OpenFaceR - Installing OpenFace

In this vbideo I explain how to install OpenFace from Tadas Baltrusaitis github repository.

OpenFace is a state of the art opensource software for facial analysis: https://github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenF....
OpenFaceR is a R package designed to streamline the use of OpenFace in social research: https://github.com/davidecannatanuig/openF...

You can find R codes and sample videos at this link: https://nuigalwayie-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/...

Learn more about OpenFaceR by reading the OpenmFaceR publication:

Cite OpenFaceR:
Cannata, D., Redfern, S., & O'Hora, D. (2020, October). OpenFaceR: Developing an R Package for the convenient analysis of OpenFace facial information. In PSYCHOBIT.


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